When it comes to maximizing profits in Skull and Bones, focus on commodities. Spare your ship-building materials, furnishings, ammunition, and rations; these are essential for your endeavors, whether it's crafting a new vessel or gearing up for battle. Hold onto these items tightly; selling them is akin to throwing treasure overboard.
Through our adventures, we've found certain commodities to be particularly lucrative: Uncut Gems, Fine Relics, Ivory, Vanilla, and Frankincense. While other commodities also hold value, their profitability can vary depending on when and where you trade them. It's the unpredictability that keeps the business exciting.
Before setting sail to sell, study your map. Zoom in to scout the different regions. Hover over a zone, such as The Giant's Leap, and you'll find a list of items on the right side of the screen. Pay attention to the "Highest in Demand" and "In Plentiful Supply" sections. Items in high demand fetch better prices, while those in surplus sell for less. However, this information requires exploration; merely visiting an area won't reveal it.
Buy Skull and Bones Items at MMOexp, safe and comfortable transactions, and years of experience to ensure the security of your account.